El cautiverio duró 57 horas. Los guerrilleros cambiaron 10 veces de guarida y se burlaron de los 5.000 policías dispuestos en la búsqueda. Al final lo soltaron sano y salvo. Di Stéfano pudo respirar tranquilo y abrazar como nunca a su familia.
August 25, 1963. 7.00 a.m. in 217 room of the Potomac Hotel in Caracas (Venezuela). Members of Venezuela's Liberation Front hijacked the Real Madrid player and idol Alfredo Di Stefano. They were disguised as policemen. The white club participated in the Clubs World Cup and the command would draw world attention.
The hijacking lasted 57 hours. The terrorists moved house for 10 times. 5,000 policeman didn´t find them. Di Stefano was released and soon returned to Spain.
Publicado en La Región (25-02-2008)