El pasado 13 de diciembre el diario "El Correo Gallego" publicaba una interesante entrevista, realizada por Luis Pousa, al traumatólogo Jesús Agra Ramil, pionero en los controles antidopaje en el fútbol y un experto mecánico para miles de articulaciones y ligamentos rotos de deportistas aficionados. Pinchad en Entrevista si os interesa alguno de estos temas. Os aseguro que no tendréis la sensación de tiempo perdido después de leerla.
Legend say that Polínexa, mother of Alexander the Great, she dreamed that her son had been fathered by Zeus. The birth coincided with the victory of her husband, Philip of Macedonia, in the horse race of the Games of 256 BC. In honor of this victory, Polínexa changed her name to Olympia. Her dream was fulfilled. Alexander was the Zeus of the then known world. An indefatigable conqueror. The sport is now as war and his figures the new myths of our era. Let's dream.